2021【大栅栏设计社区】| 老北京的百年商业@Beijing Postcards

老北京的百年商业/The Commodities of Old Beijing
@Beijing Postcards



“老北京的百年商业主题展”通过大栅栏的商业变迁,已经消失的店铺幌子的由来,几代早期创业者如何创建家族的品牌,也就是今天我们知道的“老字号”等故事来讲述京城的商业发展变迁。Beijing Postcards将通过收藏的历史老地图和其它收藏品,以及在大栅栏地区的漫步之旅来展现近百年来的商业发展。
For hundreds of years Dashilar was the ever-simmering melting pot of the capital. It was the place where people would first enter Beijing. Through hard labour, personal relations, money, skills or whatever they brought with them, newcomers would find their way into urban society.
The Commodities of Old Beijing is the story of commerce in the capital told through the products that shaped its people and their lives. It will be presented through a display of historical maps and prints, a walk-and-talk in the area of Dashilar showing its commercial development over the last hundred years.

