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新加坡商业时报 »  Beijing's cool design attitude puts a face of modern China in the spotlight, one where progress doesn't have to mean demolition. 详细
纽约时报 »  In China, Reviving an Ancient City and Its Craft Traditions 详细
美报:北京让老胡同焕发新活力 2012-10-23
参考消息 »  参考消息网10月23日报道 外媒称,在北京这座古老的城市,大片的老建筑被拆除,当地居民被迫搬迁。为建造大型购物中心和高楼大厦让路,这样的做法已让人习以为常。但是,一项城市发展实验正在赋予老建筑更多的新用途,使其重新焕发生命力。
COOL HUNTING »  Dashilar is is one of the oldest and most famous “hutongs”, or alleyways, of Beijing, and probably one of the closest to pictures in our imagination of the old city—narrow streets, red lanterns, rickshaws and all kinds of Chinese paraphernalia. Located outside Qianmen Gate, South of Tian’anmen Square, the area became the city’s most vibrant commercial street during the Qing Dynasty. In the last 20 years, though, Beijing’s skyscraper fever has stalled the preservation of the area, leaving decaying infrastructures and widespread commercial vacancies threatening to sweep away the old glories of Dashilar.
洛杉矶时报 »  BEIJING — Behind a scrappy red door in an old Beijing hutong, or alleyway, stands a derelict late-Qing Dynasty (1644-1912) courtyard house. The expansive space, with open ceilings that give it the feeling of an abandoned abbey, has had myriad incarnations. Believed to have started as the luxurious living area of Manchu nobility, it was turned into a school, then a plastic factory, then a hostel. Now sunlight pours through broken windows onto edgy artworks temporarily there for a design festival. 详细
安邸AD »  “中国太有意思了!那么多颜色,那么有活力!有很多地方让我 们想到了圣保罗。”到《安邸AD》编辑部交流,是Campana兄弟北京紧张行程中的一站,一见面真诚的几句夸奖,再加上弟弟Fernando身上那件 带着“中国”两个字的运动衣,一下子把他们的大名从天上拉了下来。 详细
E设计流行 »  秋风吹拂,枫叶摇曳,走近2012北京国际设计周,多少人想掀开晨雾为它披戴的面纱,一窥其真实的面目。然我们走进它,又被它丰富多彩的设计世界所迷惑。寂静安然的回味思考后,如一石激起千层浪,设计使我们的内心波涛澎湃。 详细
Faber Novel »  Today, I headed for Dashilar Alley which hosted Beijing Design Week (BJDK) through the latter's Designshop series of offsite exhibitions, pop-ups stores, and workshops. This village (which I call a village but is actually in the heart of Beijing) shows visitors how Beijing's traditional "hutongs" (alleyways) and "siheyuan" (courtyard houses) could be re-envisioned by creative communities and industries. 详细
搜狐文化 »  今年十一黄金周期间,由北京设计周与北京广安控股有限公司旗下的北京大栅栏投资有限公司、以及西城区旅游委联合举办的“大栅栏新街景”设计之旅活动,以“设计为民生”为主题,让国内外众多设计师的巧思和创新进入寻常百姓家。 详细
600岁杨梅竹斜街年内还旧貌 恢复北京最短胡同 2012-07-17
千龙网 »  走进位于大栅栏地区的杨梅竹斜街,依然是青砖漫地、灰瓦灰墙,然而不时撞入眼帘的一间间风格各异的小型设计工作室、传统手工艺作坊、新奇有趣的胡同停车系统,却在提示你:这是一条与众不同的胡同、一个全新的时尚街区。